Thursday, September 18, 2008

October's Cause

For October, we will be collecting for Amer-Haitian Bon Zami's House of Hope. This organization is a "Non Profit Organization dedicated to easing suffering of Haiti’s impoverished children."

As many know, the recent hurricanes caused major devastation in Haiti and many orphanages were hit hard. We decided to respond to that need and help the AHBZ with their goal to collect 1,000 jars of peanut butter by October 9th. We will be collecting other items as well, but the focus is on the peanut butter. (See side bar for all donation information.)

Hope to see you all at our next playgroup!

Monday, September 8, 2008

September's PWAP

September's meeting of Playgroup with a Purpose was a big success! We had 5 families come and donate lots of great things to Our Little Haven! We were really impressed with one Mom - she told her personal trainer about our group and he went right to his wallet to give her money to buy donations!

Thanks to everyone who came and joined us - we will be sending the donations to Our Little Haven this week. We will also be picking our cause for October, so feel free to leave a suggestion for us!

The kids had a great time at the PWAP playgroup meeting:

The donations - and there were more to add to this! Thanks everyone!